Past News and Events

07/12/2018 A paper released in eLife by Lin et al (2018) describe t-CyCIF, a variant of the original CycIF method for highly multiplexed fluorescence imaging at the single-cell level. t-CyCIF is a robust, easy-to-implement approach for highly multiplexed immunofluorescence imaging of human tissues which will allow researchers and clinicians to map the complex molecular biology and spatial organization of diverse tissues and solid tumors. Community resources including antibody lists, protocols and example data are now available at

06/06/18 A paper released today in Cell Systems describes the use of live-cell imaging and statistical modeling to study FoxO3, a transcription factor that regulates diverse aspects of cellular physiology. Sampattavanich et al (2018) show that FoxO3 nuclear-to-cytosolic translocation exhibits complex low wavelength and pulsatile translocation dynamics responsive to combinatorial control by ERK and Akt, behavior previously obscured by asynchronicity between cells. Further information and datasets are available at our publication summary page.

05/5/18HMS LINCS scientists conducted an outreach seminar on June 5, 2018 at the Harvard Medical School Longwood campus to instruct researchers in the state-of-the-art experimental and analytical tools, including the GR Calculator developed at the HMS LINCS Center, available for conducting reproducible studies of drug sensitivity and resistance in tumor cells and other cultured cell types. A course summary, downloadable slides, and a video of the lecture are available at

08/07/2017HMS LINCS researchers delivered an outreach workshop on Drug Response Measurement and Analysis at the ICSB 2017 conference in Blacksburg, VA.

04/04/2017 The NIH LINCS Consortium hosted an outreach event – SS17: Advancing Cancer Therapy Using Data from the NIH LINCS Program – at the 2017 AACR Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.

03/09/2017 The HMS LINCS Center hosted an outreach seminar on Tuesday, March 28, at the Harvard Medical School Longwood campus to instruct researchers in the state-of-the-art experimental and analytical tools available for conducting reproducible studies of drug sensitivity and resistance in tumor cells and other cultured cell types. An associated nanocourse also was available for graduate students: CB 399: Assay automation and quantitation – from benchtop to HTS..

02/07/2017 Nine drug dose-response datasets generated as part of the LINCS Consortium-wide MCF 10A Common Project were released in the HMS LINCS Database (Datasets #20278 to #20286).

01/09/2017 A paper released today in Molecular Systems Biology by Fallahi-Sichani et al (2017) uncovers a slowly dividing, de-differentiated subpopulation of Vemurafenib-treated BRAF(V600E) melanoma cells that is associated with drug resistance but inhibitable by novel drug combinations. Explore the paper through the publication summary page as well as the associated datasets in the HMS LINCS Database (see 12/22/2016 post below).

12/22/2016 Six viability/apoptosis and immunofluorescence imaging datasets were released from a study assessing drug resistance and adaptation in BRAF(V600D/E) melanoma lines (HMS LINCS Datasets #20272, 20273, 20274, 20275, 20276, 20277).

12/22/2016 Four additional datasets associated with Hafner, Niepel et al (2016) were released. See the publication summary page for this paper and the associated datasets in the HMS LINCS Database (#20268, 20269, 20270, 20271).

12/07/2016 The CycIF protocol for highly multiplexed imaging was published in Current Protocols in Chemical Biology. Explore the method, a recent publication describing its use, and the various resources the HMS LINCS Center has made available for users of the methods.