LINCS MCF 10A Common Project: Fixed-time-point sensitivity measures of the MCF 10A breast cell line to 8 small molecule perturbagens. Repeat performed by Scientist B in 2019 to assess reproducibility. Dataset 1 of 2: Normalized growth rate inhibition values. - Dataset (ID:20359)
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- 24 Data Columns
Name | Description | Display Name | Data Type | Unit | Precision | Readout Type | Replicate | Comments |
smallMolecule | Small molecule perturbagen | Small Molecule | small_molecule | |||||
barcode | Unique identifier for a given 384/96 well plate | barcode | Text | |||||
well | Name of the well on the 384/96 well plate | well | Text | |||||
cellCount | Number of cells quantified as live in a given well | cell_count | Numeric | 0 | ||||
fracDead | Fraction of cells quantified as dead in a given well | frac_dead | Numeric | 4 | ||||
corpseCount | Number of cells quantified as dead (Hoesht negative, LDR positive cells) in a given well | corpse_count | Numeric | 0 | ||||
cellCountDead | Number of cells quantified as dead (Hoescnt positive, LDR positive) in a given well | cell_count_dead | Numeric | 0 | ||||
row | Name of row for a given well on the 384/96 well plate | row | Numeric | 0 | ||||
column | Column number for a given well on the 384/96 well plate | column | Numeric | 0 | ||||
agent | Name of the drug or treatment in a given well | agent | Text | |||||
concentration | Concentration of the drug in micromolar in a given well | concentration | Text | |||||
role | Role of the drug i.e treatment, positive control or negative control | role | Text | |||||
timepoint | Duration of time (in hours) fo which the cell was treated prior to measurement | timepoint | Numeric | 0 | ||||
replicate | If a condition is repeated 2 or more times on a single plate, a unique replicate number is assigned (1, 2, or 3) to each replicate condition | replicate | Numeric | 0 | ||||
cellLine | Name of the cell line in a given well | cell_line | Text | |||||
deadCount | cell_count__dead + corpse_count | dead_count | Numeric | 0 | ||||
fractionDead | Fraction of cells quantified as dead in a given well | fraction_dead | Numeric | 4 | ||||
cellCountTime0 | Mean number of cells quantified as alive in time=0 control plate | cell_count__time0 | Numeric | 1 | ||||
deadCountTime0 | Mean number of cells quantified as dead in time=0 control plate | dead_count__time0 | Numeric | 1 | ||||
cellCountCtrl | Mean number of cells quantified as alive in DMSO control (t=72 hrs) | cell_count__ctrl | Numeric | 0 | ||||
deadCountCtrl | Mean number of cells quantified as dead in DMSO control wells (t=72 hrs) | dead_count__ctrl | Numeric | 1 | ||||
fractionDeadCtrl | Mean fraction of cells quatified as dead in DMSO control wells | fraction_dead__ctrl | Numeric | 4 | ||||
increaseFractionDead | Increase in the fraction of dead cells relative to time=0 control | increase_fraction_dead | Numeric | 5 | ||||
gRvalue | Growth corrected dose response for a given well/condition | GRvalue | Numeric | 4 |
- 24 Data Columns