Viability and apoptosis measured by imaging in BRAF(V600E/D) melanoma cell lines following treatment with combinations of two compounds (viability/apoptosis dataset 1 of 2) - Dataset (ID:20272)

Data Columns

  • 15 Data Columns
Name Description Display Name Data Type Unit Precision Readout Type Replicate Comments
Cell reagent
Cell cell
Small molecule perturbagen
Small Molecule 1 small_molecule
Small molecule perturbagen
Small Molecule 2 small_molecule
drugConcentration1 Small Mol 1 Concentration Numeric 3
drugConcentration2 Small Mol 2 Concentration Numeric 3
concUnit Small Mol Conc Unit Text uM
timePoint Time Point Numeric 0
timePointUnit Time Point Unit Text hr
replicate Replicate Numeric 0
# of nuclei based on Hoechst 33342 quantification
Total Number of Cells (Nuclei) Numeric 0
# of apoptotic cells based on NucView488 quantification
Number of Apoptotic Cells Numeric 0
Cell viability normalized to DMSO control
Relative Viability Numeric 4
Mean across replicates for the same treatment condition
Mean Relative Viability Numeric 4
# of apoptotic cells divided by total # of nuclei
Apoptosis Fraction Numeric 4
Mean across replicates for the same treatment condition
Mean Apoptosis Fraction Numeric 4
  • 15 Data Columns