Phosphorylation state and protein levels measured in BRAF(V600E/D) melanoma cell lines monitored by Reverse Phase Protein Arrays (RPPA) - Dataset (ID:20218)
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Name | Description | Display Name | Data Type | Unit | Precision | Readout Type | Replicate | Comments |
smallMolecule | A Small Molecule reagent | Small Molecule | small_molecule | A Small Molecule reagent | ||||
cell | A Cell Line reagent | Cell Line | cell | A Cell Line reagent | ||||
drugConcentration | Drug Concentration | Numeric | 4 | |||||
concUnit | Conc Unit | Text | ||||||
timePoint | Time Point | Numeric | 0 | |||||
timePointUnit | Time Point Unit | Text | ||||||
replicate | Replicate | Numeric | 0 | |||||
scannerSoftware | Indicates type of scanner and software used for imaging and analysis | Scanner/Software | Text | |||||
pmekS217221 | Specific protein signal normalized to beta-actin signal | pMEK(S217/221) | Numeric | 4 | ||||
log2NormmedianPmekS217221 | log2-normalized median across replicates for the same treatment condition | Normalized Median pMEK(S217/221) | Numeric | 4 | ||||
perkT202Y204 | Specific protein signal normalized to beta-actin signal | pERK(T202/Y204) | Numeric | 4 | ||||
log2NormmedianPerkT202Y204 | log2-normalized median across replicates for the same treatment condition | Normalized Median pERK(T202/Y204) | Numeric | 4 | ||||
pP90RskS380 | Specific protein signal normalized to beta-actin signal | p-p90RSK(S380) | Numeric | 4 | ||||
log2NormmedianPP90RskS380 | log2-normalized median across replicates for the same treatment condition | Normalized Median p-p90RSK(S380) | Numeric | 4 | ||||
pP90RskT573 | Specific protein signal normalized to beta-actin signal | p-p90RSK(T573) | Numeric | 4 | ||||
log2NormmedianPP90RskT573 | log2-normalized median across replicates for the same treatment condition | Normalized Median p-p90RSK(T573) | Numeric | 4 | ||||
pAktT308 | Specific protein signal normalized to beta-actin signal | p-AKT(T308) | Numeric | 4 | ||||
log2NormmedianPAktT308 | log2-normalized median across replicates for the same treatment condition | Normalized Median p-AKT(T308) | Numeric | 4 | ||||
pAktS473 | Specific protein signal normalized to beta-actin signal | p-AKT(S473) | Numeric | 4 | ||||
log2NormmedianPAktS473 | log2-normalized median across replicates for the same treatment condition | Normalized Median p-AKT(S473) | Numeric | 4 | ||||
pMtorS2448 | Specific protein signal normalized to beta-actin signal | p-mTOR(S2448) | Numeric | 4 | ||||
log2NormmedianPMtorS2448 | log2-normalized median across replicates for the same treatment condition | Normalized Median p-mTOR(S2448) | Numeric | 4 | ||||
pP70S6KT421S424 | Specific protein signal normalized to beta-actin signal | p-p70S6K(T421/S424) | Numeric | 4 | ||||
log2NormmedianPP70S6KT421S424 | log2-normalized median across replicates for the same treatment condition | Normalized Median p-p70S6K(T421/S424) | Numeric | 4 | ||||
pP70S6KT389 | Specific protein signal normalized to beta-actin signal | p-p70S6K(T389) | Numeric | 4 |