Growth factor-induced FoxO3a nuclear-cytoplasmic pulsing dynamics of non-phosphorylatable reporters in mammary epithelial cell lines. Dataset 1 of 3: single-cell reporter measurements. - Dataset (ID:20290)

Proteins Studied

  • 5 Proteins
LINCS ID Name HMS LINCS ID UniProt ID Alternative Names Provider Mutation Phosphlorylation State Domain Protein Description
201400 EGF 201400 P01133
Epidermal Growth Factor; Urogastrone; URG
201401 IGF-I 201401 P05019
Insulin-like growth factor I; Mechano growth factor; MGF; Somatomedin-C
201402 NRG1 201402 Q02297
Pro-neuregulin-1; Pro-NRG1; Neuregulin-1; Acetylcholine receptor-inducing activity; ARIA; Breast cancer cell differentiation factor p45; Glial growth factor; Heregulin; HRG; Neu differentiation factor; Sensory and motor neuron-derived factor
201403 HGF 201403 P14210
Hepatocyte growth factor; Hepatopoietin-A; Scatter factor; SF
201405 BTC 201405 P35070
Probetacellulin; Betacellulin
  • 5 Proteins