S6K-alpha-1 (pT359) - Protein (ID:)
Name: | S6K-alpha-1 (pT359) |
HMS LINCS ID: | 201373 |
UniProt ID: | Q15418 |
Alternative Names: | |
Provider: | |
Provider Catalog ID: | |
Amino Acid Sequence: | |
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Gene ID: | |
Protein Source: | |
Mutation: | |
Phosphlorylation State: | pT359 |
Domain: | |
Protein Description: | |
Protein Purity: | |
Protein Complex: | |
Isoform: | |
Protein Type: | |
Source Organism: | |
Reference: | |
Comments: | |
Date Publicly Available: | 2016-09-14 |
Most Recent Update: | 2016-09-14 |
HMS Dataset ID | Dataset Title | HMS Dataset Type |
20265 | Multiplexed imaging of protein levels and protein phosphorylation states in the MCF 10A breast cell line treated with EGF | Microscopy/Imaging |