ReNcell VM - Embryonic Stem Cell (ID:71001)

Name: ReNcell VM
Alternative Names: ReNcell VM Human Neural Progenitor Cell Line
Alternative ID:
Parent Primary Cell:
Known Mutations: none
Organism: Homo sapiens
Citation Information for Mutations:
Passage Last Karyotyping: 3
Recommended Culture Conditions: ReNcell NSC Maintenance Medium (Millipore Cat. No. SCM005) with EGF and FGF for proliferation. ReNcell NSC Maintenance Medium (Millipore Cat. No. SCM005) alone for differentiation.
Molecular Features:
Related Projects:
Cell Markers: Nestin; SOX2
Genetic Modification(s): retroviral transduction with v-myc
Production Details: Cells received from EMD-Millipore were cultured in complete media (with EGF and FGF) for proliferation and switched to media without growth factors for differentiation.
Disease: none
Details of Disease:
Date Publicly Available: 2018-04-09
Most Recent Update: 2018-04-20

Batch Information for HMSL71001-3:

HMS LINCS Batch ID: 71001-3
Provider: Millipore Sigma
Provider Catalog ID: SCC008
Provider Batch ID: 2262677
Source Information:
Date Received: 6/2015
HMS QC Outcome: Karyotype analyses indicate that the ReNcell VM retains a normal diploid karyotype in culture even after prolonged passage (>45 passages). In experiments performed by the ReNeuron Group plc, ReNcell VM can be differentiated in vitro to a high level of human dopaminergic neurons. Neurons differentiated from ReNcell VM have furthermore been shown to be electophysiologically active.
Culture Conditions: ReNcell NSC Maintenance Medium (Millipore Cat. No. SCM005) with EGF and FGF for prolifereation. ReNcell NSC Maintenance Medium (Millipore Cat. No. SCM005) alone for differentiation.
Passage Number: 8
Transient Modification(s):
Comments: Cells were stored in LN2 and revived in June 2016 for studying neural differentiation and maturation in the presence and absence of selected drugs.
Date Publicly Available: 2018-04-09
Most Recent Update: 2018-04-20