Evaluation of the sensitivity of two triple-negative breast cancer cell lines (HCC1806, HCC70) to a collection of dual mTOR and PI3K-like kinase (PIKK) inhibitors. Dataset 2 of 2: GR metrics. - Dataset (ID:20367)
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Name | Description | Display Name | Data Type | Unit | Precision | Readout Type | Replicate | Comments |
cellLine | cell reagent | Cell line | cell | |||||
treatment | small molecule perturbagen | Drug name | small_molecule | |||||
replicate | experimental replicate number | Experimental replicate | Numeric | 0 | ||||
fitGr | type of curve used to fit the GR values (sigmoid, biphasic, flat) | Curve type (GR values) | Text | |||||
fitRelCell | type of curve used to fit the relative cell counts (sigmoid, biphasic, flat) | Curve type (relative cell counts) | Text | |||||
experiment | experiment name based on cell line, drug and experimental replicate | Experiment name | Text | |||||
concentrationPoints | number of drug concentrations evaluated (½ log dilution series) | Number of concentrations | Numeric | 0 | ||||
ctrlCellDoublings | average number of doublings for DMSO-treated cells over the course of the assay | Cell doublings (DMSO control) | Numeric | 3 | ||||
GR50 | drug concentration at which the GR value = 0.5, based on the the curve used to fit GR values for treatment versus control | GR50 | Text | uM | ||||
GRmax | the GR value at the highest concentration of drug tested | GRmax | Text | |||||
grAoc | the area over the curve used to fit the GR values for treatment versus control (integral of 1–GR over the range of concentrations tested) | GR_AOC | Text | |||||
GEC50 | drug concentration at half of its maximal effect, based on the curve used to fit GR values for treatment versus control | GEC50 | Text | uM | ||||
GRinf | the estimated effect of the drug at infinite concentration, based on the asymptote of the curve used to fit GR values for treatment versus control | GRinf | Text | |||||
hGr | the hill coefficient (slope) of the curve used to fit GR values for treatment versus control | Hill slope (GR values) | Text | |||||
r2Gr | r^2 value for the curve used to fit GR values for treatment versus control | R-squared curve fit (GR values) | Text | |||||
pvalGr | statistical significance of the curve fit based on an F-test | P-value curve fit (GR values) | Text | |||||
IC50 | drug concentration producing 50% relative cell count versus DMSO control | IC50 | Text | uM | ||||
Emax | maximal measured efficacy in terms of % relative cell count versus DMSO control | Emax | Text | |||||
AUC | area under the curve used to fit the relative cell count values for treatment versus control | AUC | Text | |||||
EC50 | drug concentration producing half of its maximal effect, based on the curve used to fit relative cell counts for treatment versus control | EC50 | Text | uM | ||||
Einf | estimated maximal efficacy based on the asymptote of the curve used to fit relative cell counts for treatment versus control | Einf | Text | |||||
h | the hill coefficient (slope) of the curve used to fit relative cell counts for treatment versus control | Hill slope (relative cell counts) | Text | |||||
r2RelCell | r^2 value for the curve used to fit relative cell counts for treatment versus control | R-squared curve fit (relative cell counts) | Text | |||||
pvalRelCell | statistical significance of curve fit based on an F-test | P-value curve fit (relative cell counts) | Text |
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