Evaluation of the sensitivity of two triple-negative breast cancer cell lines (HCC1806, HCC70) to a collection of dual mTOR and PI3K-like kinase (PIKK) inhibitors. Dataset 1 of 2: GR values. - Dataset (ID:20366)

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Cell line Drug name Experimental replicate Timepoint Drug concentration Live cell count Average live cell count, DMSO control Average live cell count (time = 0) Log10(drug concentration) GR value Relative cell count (treatment versus DMSO) Cell doublings (DMSO control) Experiment name
HCC1806 QL-XII-61 2 72
19862.0 18525.7 2822.7
1.050 1.070 2.714
HCC1806 QL-XII-61 0 2
HCC1806 QL-IV-100 2 72
19989.0 18525.7 2822.7
1.060 1.080 2.714
HCC1806 QL-IV-100 0 2