LINCS Pilot Phase Joint Project: Sensitivity measures of six breast cancer cell lines to a library of small molecule kinase inhibitors (single drug treatments). Dataset 4 of 15: Mean cell count and mean growth rate across biological replicate 1. - Dataset (ID:20240)

Data Columns

  • 12 Data Columns
Name Description Display Name Data Type Unit Precision Readout Type Replicate Comments
Cell reagent
Cell cell
Small molecule perturbagen
Small Molecule small_molecule
smallMolConcentration Small Mol Concentration Text
smallMolConcUnit Small Mol Conc Unit Text
LINCS Joint Project small molecule library plate
LJP Library Plate Text
timepoint Timepoint Numeric 0
timepointUnit Timepoint Unit Text
Mean # of nuclei across technical replicates before treatment in a matched set of wells based on Hoechst 33342 segmentation ( x0 )
Mean Total Cell Count Before Treatment Numeric 0
Mean # of nuclei across technical replicates after treatment based on Hoechst 33342 segmentation ( x(c) )
Mean Total Cell Count After Treatment Numeric 0
Mean # of nuclei across technical replicates in a DMSO-treated control sample based on Hoechst 33342 segmentation ( x(0) )
Mean Total Control Cell Count Numeric 0
Mean Total Cell Count After Treatment normalized to Mean Total Control Cell Count
Mean Relative Cell Count Numeric 4
Mean growth rate across technical replicates of treated cells normalized to a DMSO-treated control
Mean Relative Growth Rate After Treatment Numeric 4
  • 12 Data Columns