Synovial Fibroblast 3.2: Secretion response of seven primary human synovial fibroblast samples from healthy and rheumatoid arthritis-diagnosed donors to a panel of 3 stimuli and 5 small molecule inhibitors (replicate 2 of 2) - Dataset (ID:20235)

Proteins Studied

  • 2 Proteins
LINCS ID Name HMS LINCS ID UniProt ID Alternative Names Provider Mutation Phosphlorylation State Domain Protein Description
201286 IL-1 alpha 201286 P01583
Interleukin 1; Hematopoietin-1; Lymphocyte-activating factor (LAF); Endogenous Pyrogen (EP); Leukocyte Endogenous Mediator (LEM); Mononuclear Cell Factor (MCF)
201285 TNF-a 201285 P01375
Tumor Necrosis Factor-α; TNF-alpha; Tumor Necrosis Factor, TNFSF2, Cachectin, Differentiation-inducing factor (DIF), Necrosin, Cytotoxin
  • 2 Proteins