Metrics other than potency reveal systematic variation in responses to cancer drugs - Dataset (ID:20120)
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Name | Description | Display Name | Data Type | Unit | Precision | Readout Type | Replicate | Comments |
smallMolecule | A Small Molecule reagent | Small Molecule | small_molecule | A Small Molecule reagent | ||||
cell | A Cell Line reagent | Cell Line | cell | A Cell Line reagent | ||||
maxdoseLog10 | maximum drug dose concentration | log10[max. dose (M)] | Numeric | log(M) | 4 | |||
goodnessOfFit | R^2 (goodness of fit) | Numeric | 4 | |||||
ec50Log10 | half maximal effective concentration | log10[EC50 (M)] | Numeric | log(M) | 4 | |||
ic50Log10 | half maximal inhibitory concentration | log10[IC50 (M)] | Numeric | log(M) | 4 | |||
gi50Log10 | drug concentration that causes 50% growth inhibition | log10[GI50 (M)] | Numeric | log(M) | 4 | |||
hillSlope | slope parameter in dose response curve | HillSlope | Numeric | 4 | ||||
eInf | bottom asymptote of dose response curve | E_inf | Numeric | 4 | ||||
eMax | response at maximum dose | E_max | Numeric | 4 | ||||
areaUnderCurve | area under dose response curve | AUC | Numeric | 4 |
- 11 Data Columns